This is Open Source software, so given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow. Your contributions are more than welcome.
This project is hosted on GitHub and these (common) rules apply:
Do use the issues tracker.
Let’s discuss any proposed change or fix in an issue, so your work is not done in vain - I hate to reject pull requests…
Create pull requests against
branch if it is currently actively used, else use themaster
branch.Try to keep pull requests “atomic”, and if possible related to an issue.
My Development Workflow
I try to develop pypi-template in a self-hosting way, which means that I run it from the repository on the repository itself.
Running pypi-template from the repository can be done according to the following steps:
Setup an Environment with Dependencies
PyPi Template is (highly optionated) convention driven and relies on Pyenv to keep everything nicely tucked away in virtual environments. So at this point avoiding Pyenv is not really an option.
$ git clone
$ cd pypi-template
$ pyenv virtualenv pypi-template
$ pyenv local pypi-template
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ make install
$ make run
And if everything goes well, PyPi Template is run on itself, reporting every file is up2date.
Running pypi-template from the Repository
As shown in the final command above, the Makefile
allows for running the application/package. The default RUN_CMD
is python -m package_name
without any arguments. Using RUN_ARGS
additional arguments can be added, which in case of PyPi Template itself is done in Makefile.mak
: RUN_ARGS = verbose debug apply
So, we can replace these to first edit alle variables and then actually apply them:
% make run RUN_ARGS="verbose edit all apply"
pyenv local pypi-template-run
python -m `cat .pypi-template | grep "^package_module_name" | cut -d":" -f2` verbose edit all apply
A description for the package: Template-based common/best practices for managing a Python package on PyPi
Current classifiers:
- Environment :: Console
- Development Status :: 4 - Beta
- Intended Audience :: Developers
- Intended Audience :: System Administrators
- Topic :: Software Development
- License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
- Programming Language :: Python
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
Select classifiers:
Current console scripts:
- pypi-template=pypi_template.__main__:cli
Select console scripts:
First year of publication: 2018
Github account: christophevg
Github repo name: pypi-template
Keywords describing the package: python pypi package management template
License: MIT
Package module name: pypi_template
Package name: pypi-template
Package tagline: Template-based common/best practices for managing a Python package on PyPi
Package title: PyPi Template
Readme: .github/
Current requires:
- jinja2
- pyyaml
- prompt-toolkit
- colorama
- fire
- importlib-resources
Select requires:
Select scripts:
Current skip:
- tests
- docs
- (package_module_name)
Select skip:
Your author name: Christophe VG
Your email address:
Your full name: Christophe VG
Your name: Christophe VG
🔨 applying templates
✅ requirements.txt has no changes
✅ has no changes
✅ Makefile has no changes
✅ .github/workflows/test.yaml has no changes
✅ .github/workflows/ has no changes
✅ .github/ has no changes
✅ .gitignore has no changes
⏭ skipping 'tests' due to skipped 'tests'
⏭ skipping
⏭ skipping 'docs' due to skipped 'docs'
⏭ skipping 'docs/_static' due to skipped 'docs'
✅ has no changes
⏭ skipping '(package_module_name)' due to skipped '(package_module_name)'
✅ tox.ini has no changes
✅ LICENSE.txt has no changes
🛑 not rendering excluded base/classifiers.txt
🛑 not rendering excluded base/
✅ .readthedocs.yaml has no changes